Simple, intelligent, and beautiful website design & development.



Spectra Magazine is an ambitious online publication exploring innovative perspective in imagery and ideology.




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XYZ Design | Spectra Magazine View Banner Image.jpg


[fade]Spectra Magazine was created as an in-house  publishing project by XYZ. It aims to artfully engage how people relate to existence – our sense of reality and being alive.[/fade]

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[fade]We believe that the best way to cultivate a greater perspective for one's self is to confront unique experiences and ideas as often as possible. Spectra intends to aggregate and present ideas of the sort to accelerate this natural process. It will host interviews and essays with creatives, innovators, and taste-makers to generate new lines of thinking and challenging food for thought.

Tandem to these articles, the site features wide-ranging visual work from established and undiscovered artists alike. The culmination of all these works is a distinctly sharp aesthetic taste, which acts as Spectra's branding identity and reinforces the relationship between thinking and actually doing.

We stripped the site design down to be experiential, informative, and stimulating. All of its content is woven together in order to create both a sensational and significant experience. Above all, the site is designed to be immersive and interesting, and that's exactly at the heart of what makes any brand successful.

XYZ Design | Spectra Magazine Website Device Displays
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XYZ Design | Spectra Magazine Mobile Device Display 1
XYZ Design | Spectra Magazine Mobile Device Display 2

Show the full spectrum
of your brand.



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